Label Your People for Easy Searching!

organization tips & tricks Apr 25, 2023

Don't waste time scrolling through pages and pages of photos looking for your favorite people anymore!

All you have to do is label your frequent flyers and in just a few clicks you will be able to pull up every picture you have of your kiddo, significant other, sibling, mom, dad or best friend! 

 Apple Photos Users  

  1. Open Apple Photos on your phone
  2. Click "Albums" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Scroll down until you see "People & Places"
  4. Click on one of your people's photos 
  5. Click "Add Name"
  6. Add his/her name & click "Next" 
  7. Confirm whether the photos that populate are of that person or not
  8. Go back to your list of people's photos by clicking the blue arrow in the top left corner
  9. Repeat steps to name the rest of your favorite people

Google Photos Users

  1. Open Google Photos on your phone
  2. Click the "Search" icon at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click "View All" in the top right corner above the row of people's pictures
  4. Click on any person's photo
  5. It will open a new screen with all of his/her pictures & you will be able to "add a name" under the top photo
  6. Repeat steps #4 and #5 until you label all of your favs!

Next time you're looking for a photo of a specific person, all you have to do is type his/her name in the search bar at the top of your screen and all of his/her photos will quickly populate preventing all that time you would be scrolling and searching instead! 

Using little shortcuts like this will ensure technology works FOR you, instead of feeling like technology is always working against you!

All the best, 