How to Quickly Organize Vacation Pics!

organization vacation Aug 30, 2022

If you were lucky enough to go on an amazing summer vacation, you probably came home with hundreds of pictures capturing all those great memories.

The last thing you want is to have those priceless photos get lost in the mix of all the other pictures you have already taken since then, not to mention the ones you will take in the coming weeks, months and years!

In just a few clicks, you can organize your vacation pictures in an album taking the stress out of finding and sharing your memories in the future! 

Apple Photos Users 

  1. Open Apple Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "ALBUMS" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner
  4. Select "New Album"
  5. Give your album a title such as "California 2022" and click "SAVE"
  6. Find and select your vacation pics (you can drag your finger across the screen to select multiple photos at a time) 
  7. Click "DONE" in the top right corner
  8. In the future, all you have to do is click "Albums" at the bottom of your screen and you will easily find all your vacation pics in your new album for easy sharing! 

Google Photos Users  

  1. Open Google Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "LIBRARY" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner to create a new album
  4. Give your album a title such as "California 2022" and click "DONE" in the bottom left corner
  5. Click "SELECT PHOTOS"
  6. Select your vacation pics
  7. Click "ADD" in the top right corner
  8. In the future, all you have to do is click "Library" at the bottom of your screen and you will easily find all your vacation pics in your new album for easy sharing!

And if you have even just a few more minutes, you can go into your vacation album and delete doubles! You will be amazed at how quickly you can narrow down your pictures to the best of the best saving not only time in scrolling later but also on storage! 

All the best, 