Organize Your January Favs!

organization organize monthly pics Feb 07, 2023

If you haven't already made a "Best of 2023" album you are missing out! This is a great way to START organizing your favorite memories and all it takes is a few minutes each month!

Having a "Best of" album will prevent endless scrolling in order to find that ONE great photo to no avail! You will be able to open your album and find your favorite memories in just a few clicks! 

So if you haven't done it yet, start by creating your album and then add your FAVORITE January pictures! 

How to create a "Best of 2023" album:

Apple Users
  1. Open Apple Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "ALBUMS" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner
  4. Select "New Album"
  5. Give your album a title such as "Best of 2023" and click "SAVE"
Google Photos Users 
  1. Open Google Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "LIBRARY" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner to create a new album
  4. Give your album a title such as "Best of 2023" and click "DONE" in the bottom right corner

How to Add Your FAVORITE January Pics:

Apple Users
  1. Open Apple Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "LIBRARY" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Scroll up until you get to January 1st
  4. Click "Select" in the top right corner
  5. Select a FEW of your favorite photos from January
  6. Click the upload button (square with an arrow pointing up) in the bottom left corner of your screen
  7. Scroll down and click "Add to Album"
  8. Find and select your "Best of 2023" album 
  9. That's it! You're on your way to being organized this year! Woo hoo! 
Google Photos Users 
  1. Open Google Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "LIBRARY" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Find and open your "Best of 2023" album 
  4. Click "Add Photos" under the title 
  5. Scroll up to January 1st
  6. Select a FEW of your favorite pics from January 
  7. Click "Add" in the top right corner of your screen 
  8. That's it! You're on your way to being organized this year! Woo hoo

By going through this process, you might realize:  

  • You don't have very many pictures and need to take way more in February!
  • YOU aren't in any of your own pictures and need to have OTHER people take a few to document you were there too! 
  • You have too many pictures to choose from and need to narrow down your idea of what the "Best of" means so you don't end up with thousands of pictures in this album by the end of 2023! 

Start small and it will help you START creating systems and habits you can use moving forward to get all of your favorite memories organized! 

All the best, 