Organize Your August Favs!

best of 2023 organize monthly pics Sep 05, 2023

One of the easiest ways to start organizing your digital pictures is to take five minutes each month to put your favorites in a "Best of" album! And since we just wrapped up August, now is a great time to get all those great memories organized!


Benefits of having a "Best of" album: 

  • Most of us take hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures a year. Having your favorites all in one place will make finding and sharing them incredibly easy.
  • Enables you to organize and declutter your memories in small doses throughout the year.
  • Ensures your monthly favorites don't get lost and forgotten in your photostream.
  • Prevents endless scrolling when looking for a specific picture, which can often be frustrating and unsuccessful.
  • Making your holiday card in December will take a fraction of the time because you've already organized your favorite pictures all year long!


If you don't have a "Best of 2023" album yet, it's not too late! Simply, follow the directions below: 

Apple Users 

  1. Open Apple Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "ALBUMS" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner
  4. Select "New Album"
  5. Give your album a title such as "Best of 2023" and click "SAVE"

Google Photos Users  

  1. Open Google Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "LIBRARY" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner to create a new album
  4. Give your album a title such as "Best of 2023" and click "DONE" in the bottom right corner


How to QUICKLY Add Your August Pics: 

Apple Users 

  1. Open Apple Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "LIBRARY" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Scroll up until you get to August 1st
  4. Click "Select" in the top right corner
  5. Select a FEW of your favorite photos from August
  6. Click the upload button (square with an arrow pointing up) in the bottom left corner of your screen
  7. Scroll down and click "Add to Album"
  8. Find and select your "Best of 2023" album 

Google Photos Users  

  1. Open Google Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "LIBRARY" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Find and open your "Best of 2023" album 
  4. Click "Add Photos" under the title 
  5. Scroll up to August 1st
  6. Select a FEW of your favorite pics from August
  7. Click "Add" in the top right corner of your screen 


I hope you have a great September! 

All the best,