First Day of School Pictures

create digital album Aug 09, 2022

In the next week, most kids will be asked to pose for their "First Day of School" picture. 

Some will be holding cute little chalkboards their parents made ahead of time, some will be standing in the same ol' spot they've stood in since kindergarten and some will be disheveled with an annoyed look on their face urging their parents to get it over with already! 

Wherever your kiddo lands, these pictures have become a tradition in this day and age of social media and are likely to be posted now and again on the last day of school!

Putting your first day of school pic in an album now will make it super easy to find in May/June when you take the last day of school pic and want to compare just how much your child has grown this year!

You'll also save yourself some time since you won't have to scroll through 9 months' worth of photos to find that ONE picture! 

How to create a first/last day of school album:

Apple Users
  1. Open Apple Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "ALBUMS" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner
  4. Select "New Album"
  5. Give your album a title such as "1st & Last Day of School" and click "SAVE"
  6. Click on the photo(s) you want to add
  7. Click "DONE" in the top right corner
  8. In May/June, go back into this album click the "+" sign and add the last day of school picture
Google Photos Users 
  1. Open Google Photos App from your phone 
  2. Click "LIBRARY" at the bottom of your screen
  3. Click the "+" sign in the top left corner to create a new album
  4. Give your album a title such as "1st & Last Day of School" and click "DONE" in the bottom left corner
  5. Click "SELECT PHOTOS"
  6. Select the photo(s) you want to add
  7. Click "ADD" in the top right corner
  8. In May/June, go back into this album click the "+" sign and add the last day of school picture 

Starting to get your digital pictures organized can be quick and easy if you start little by little!

All the best,